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Friday, March 31, 2023

DELF Exam - Comprehension de l'oral - French Names and Surnames listening practice

Dear Students, 

Welcome to this video where you will practice French names and surnames, a common question in the DELF exam. The audio will present you with names that you will need to write down on a sheet, spelling them letter by letter. This exercise will prepare you for the listening section of the exam. The video consists of 5 exercises, and answers will be provided at the end. I hope this practice will assist you in achieving good marks in this section of the exam. So, get ready to listen carefully and write down the names. Good luck, and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.

 DELF Exam - Comprehension de l'oral - French Names and Surnames listening practice

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

DELF A1 et DELF A2 - Compréhension de l’oral - Listening Exercise of French – Exercice d'écoute

Dear Students, 

Looking to prepare for the DELF A1 and A2 exams? Look no further than this listening exercise video! In this video, students will have the opportunity to hone their listening skills by listening to a video and answering questions related to the content. The answers are provided at the end of the video, allowing you to check your work and see where you stand. Whether you're a beginner or an intermediate French language learner, this video is sure to help you improve your listening comprehension skills and prepare you for the DELF A1 and A2 exams. So sit back, relax, and get ready to improve your French language abilities with this engaging and informative listening exercise video.
You can also subscribe my channel to get more updates about French language learning. 


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Mon école - Mon ecole - My school in French

Mon école

Mon école est très grande avec beaucoup de salles de classe. Mon école est près de ma maison. Le bâtiment de mon école est blanche. Elle a une grande bibliothèque..Il y a deux étages et un terrain de sport dans mon écoleAu rez de chaussée, il y a une grande piscine pour les étudiants.  Les professeurs sont gentils et sympathiques. Elle a également un grand terrain de sport. Et elle a une cantine spacieuse. J'aime beaucoup mon école parce qu’elle offre un environnement d'apprentissage confortable.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Les dialogues entre client et Boulanger ( vendeur) - Situation of a Bakery between Client and Baker

 Les dialogues entre client et Boulanger ( vendeur)


Client : Bonjour, je voudrais une baguette s'il vous plaît.


Vendeur : Bien sûr, voici votre baguette .


Client : Parfait, je prends deux croissants.


Vendeur : Voici vos deux croissants. Est-ce que ça sera tout pour vous aujourd'hui ?


Client : Non, je vais aussi prendre une tarte aux pommes.


Vendeur : Très bien, voici votre tarte aux pommes. Voulez-vous autre chose ?


Client : Oui, je voudrais une brioche pour le petit déjeuner de demain matin.


Vendeur : D'accord, voici votre brioche. Cela fera un total de 12 euros s'il vous plaît.


Client : Très bien, voici 15 euros.


Vendeur : Merci, voici votre monnaie et votre ticket de caisse. Bonne journée !


Client : Merci, à vous aussi.

French Etre & Avoir Expressions - être & avoir

Here are some examples of  "avoir" (to have) and "être" (to be) common expressions:

 Avoir expressions:

  1. J'ai faim. (I'm hungry.)
  2. J'ai soif. (I'm thirsty.)
  3. J'ai sommeil. (I'm sleepy.)
  4. J'ai peur. (I'm scared.)
  5. J'ai mal à la tête. (I have a headache.)
  6. J'ai mal au ventre. (I have a stomachache.)
  7. J'ai besoin d'aide. (I need help.)
  8. J'ai envie de danser. (I feel like dancing.)
  9. J'ai réussi mon examen. (I passed my exam.)
  10. J'ai perdu mes clés. (I lost my keys.)

Être expressions:

  1. Je suis content(e). (I'm happy.)
  2. Je suis triste. (I'm sad.)
  3. Je suis en colère. (I'm angry.)
  4. Je suis fatigué(e). (I'm tired.)
  5. Je suis occupé(e). (I'm busy.)
  6. Je suis français(e). (I'm French.)
  7. Je suis né(e) en juin. (I was born in June.)
  8. Je suis étudiant(e). (I'm a student.)
  9. Je suis en vacances. (I'm on vacation.)
  10. Je suis prêt(e). (I'm ready.)

Remember that both "avoir" and "être" are irregular verbs, so it's important to learn their conjugations.  



Saturday, March 18, 2023

La fête française - The French Festival - le 14 juillet

La fête française la plus célèbre est le 14 juillet, la Fête

 Nationale. Elle célèbre la prise de la Bastille et symbolise la fin 

de la monarchie en France. Les Français célèbrent cette 

fête avec des feux d'artifice, des défilés militaires, de la musique 

et de la nourriture traditionnelle. C'est un jour férié en France 

et  les gens sortent pour célébrer avec leur famille et leurs amis.

How to Learn Counting in French from 0 to 100 in easy way - Les Nombres Cardinaux

 Les Nombres Cardinaux :  Learning French numbers from 0 to 100 can seem overwhelming at first, but with a few tips and tricks, it can become much easier:


Step 1 - Start with the basics: Learn the numbers from 1 to 20 first, as they will be used frequently.


Step 2 - Group numbers in 10s: French numbers are grouped in 10s, so learn the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 first.

Step -3 Must learn then separately which always confuse the students : 11 - onze

21 - vingt et un , 31 - trente et un , 41 - quarante et un , 51 - cinquante et un

61 - soixante et un , 71 - soixante et onze , 81 - quatre-vingt-un , 91 - quatre-vingt-onze


Step 4 - Break down the numbers: Breaking down the numbers into smaller units can make them easier to remember. For example, instead of trying to remember the number 67, break it down into 60 and 7.


Exercise 1:

Write the following numbers in French:













Exercise 2:

Translate the following numbers from French to English:













Exercise 3:

Fill in the missing numbers in the sequence:

  1.  zéro, un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, ___, ___, ___, douze
  2. quarante, cinquante, ___, ___, soixante, soixante-dix, ___, ___, quatre-vingts, quatre-vingt-dix, ___, cent


  1.  neuf, dix, onze
  2. soixante, soixante-et-onze, quatre-vingt, quatre-vingt-et-un, quatre-vingt-dix-neuf

Exercise 4:

Write the following numbers in numerals:












Friday, March 17, 2023

les nombres ordinaux - Ordinal numbers in French

Ordinal numbers are used to indicate a position in a series or sequence, such as first, second, third, etc. In French, ordinal numbers are formed by adding -ième to the cardinal number (except for premier, deuxième, and troisième, which have their own unique forms).

Here are the rules for forming ordinal numbers in French:

  • For numbers ending in -e, such as deux (two), simply add -ième: deuxième (second).

  • For numbers ending in a consonant, such as trois (three), add -ième after dropping the final consonant: troisième (third).

  • For numbers ending in -s, such as six (six), add -ième after dropping the -x: sixième (sixth).

  • For numbers ending in -t, such as huit (eight), add -ième after dropping the -t: huitième (eighth).

  • For numbers ending in -eux, such as deux (two), add -ième after changing the -x to -z: douzième (twelfth).

  • For numbers ending in -onze or -treize, add -ième after changing -onze to -onzième and -treize to -treizième: onze (eleven) becomes onzième (eleventh) and treize (thirteen) becomes treizième (thirteenth).

  • Some exceptions to these rules include premier (first), which does not follow the standard -ième pattern, and vingt (twenty), which has a unique ordinal form, vingtième (twentieth).

Here are the ordinal numbers in French from 1 to 20:


  1. premier / première
  2. deuxième
  3. troisième
  4. quatrième
  5. cinquième
  6. sixième
  7. septième
  8. huitième
  9. neuvième
  10. dixième
  11. onzième
  12. douzième
  13. treizième
  14. quatorzième
  15. quinzième
  16. seizième
  17. dix-septième
  18. dix-huitième
  19. dix-neuvième
  20. vingtième

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

What do French people eat for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner? // Qu'est-ce que les Français mangent pour le petit-déjeuner, le déjeuner, le goûter et le dîner ?


Qu'est - ce que les Français mangent pour :

Le petit - déjeuner

Au petit déjeuner, les français mangent des tartines avec du beurre, des croissants.ou de la confiture. Ils boivent du café.Les jeunes prennent des céréales et des fruits.

Le déjeuner

Au déjeuner, Les français mangent des sandwiches, des grillades ou des salades. Les jeunes mangent un repas complet. Ils prennent souvent un dessert.

Le goûter

Les adultes boivent du café. Les jeunes prennent du pain au chocolat, des biscuits, du lait, des barres de chocolat ou des fruits.

Le dîner

Au dîner, Ils prennent de la soupe, de la viande, des légumes, du pain, des baguettes, du fromage et souvent du dessert. Les adultes boivent souvent du vin aux repas

Monday, March 13, 2023

What is TCF French Exam ? - Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF)

Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF)

Bonjour Students

Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing information about the Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF) which is a French language proficiency exam that evaluates a person's proficiency in French. It is widely recognized and accepted by French universities, institutions, and companies worldwide. In this blog, you will find details about the exam structure, levels, and benefits of taking the TCF exam.

What is the TCF?

The Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF) is a French language test for people who are not native speakers. This test is made by France Education International and is approved by the French Ministry of Education. You can take this test to show how good you are at French for work, school, or personal reasons.

The TCF has six levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2) and follows a standard set by the Council of Europe. The test results are reliable and you get a certificate that is good for two years.

There are also different TCF tests for specific purposes, like applying for French citizenship or residency, emigrating to Canada, emigrating to Québec, or studying in France.

TCF Format

The TCF is a test that you can choose to take. It has 76 questions that are multiple choice. You will have to read, listen, and answer questions about grammar. There are also two other tests that you can take if you want to, one where you write and one where you speak. You have to take three tests, and they will take about 1 hour and 25 minutes. The first test is about listening and will take 25 minutes. The second test is about grammar and vocabulary and will take 15 minutes. The third test is about reading and will take 45 minutes. If you want more information about the TCF, you can visit france-education-international.fr/test/tcf-tout-public.

Why should you take the TCF?

Personal reasons: You can evaluate your speaking, writing, and comprehension skills in French with a TCF test.

To work: The TCF certificate proves your French language knowledge and abilities, which can help with job applications.

To study: The TCF meets French language requirements for applying to graduate programs at French universities.

Books available in market for Self study of TCF

There are many books available for self-study of the TCF exam. Some popular ones include 

"Réussir le TCF" by Didier, "Préparation à l'examen du TCF" by Hachette, and "TCF - Entraînement intensif" by CLE International.

Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can help you with.

Bonne Chance !

Compréhension en Français sur le thème : Mon quotidien

Q: Compréhension en Français sur le thème : 

Mon quotidien

Ma journée typique - mon quotidien - Daily Routine In French

Ma journée typique

Ma journée typique commence à 5h du matin. Tous les matins je me réveille à 5h. Je me lève après quinze minutes. Puis je me brosse les dents et je prends une douche. Je m'habille pour aller à l'école et à 6h30 je prends mon petit déjeuner. Je vais à l'école à 7h. J'étudie à l'école et je déjeune à la cantine. Je rentre chez moi à 3h de l’après-midi. Le soir, je fais mes devoirs. Ensuite je joue avec mes amis à 5h30 et je regarde la télé. Je dîne à 8h et je me couche à 22h30.

Friday, March 10, 2023

présentez-vous - Introduce yourself in french

 Bonjour à tous !

Je m'appelle [your name].

J’ai  [your âge] ans.

Je suis né(e)  à [city/country].

Je suis étudiant(e).

Je parle hindi,  anglais et  français.

Je suis Indien.

Je suis grand et sympathique.

Je suis amusant et beau.

J’aime jouer au cricket.

Mon sujet préféré est l’histoire.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Ma saison préférée - My favourite season in French

Ma saison préférée est l'été. Il fait chaud et le soleil brille. 

Je peux porter des vêtements légers et colorés. J'aime aller à 

la plage et nager dans la mer. Les glaces sont délicieuses et 

je peux manger des fruits frais. Les jours sont plus longs, 

donc je fais la promenade en vélo. C'est une saison joyeuse 

et amusante.

Décrivez la ville lumière ( Paris )

 Décrivez  la ville lumière ( Paris ) :

Paris est la ville lumière et la capitale de la France. C'est une ville célèbre pour sa beauté, son histoire, sa culture et sa nourriture. Paris est connue pour ses magnifiques monuments : la Tour Eiffel, l'Arc de Triomphe et la cathédrale Notre-Dame. Les musées célèbres comme le Louvre et l'Orsay sont également situés à Paris. Les bords de la Seine sont un endroit magnifique pour se promener et avoir la vue sur la ville. Les cafés, les restaurants et les boulangeries sont également célèbres pour leur délicieuse cuisine française. Paris est une ville charmante et romantique.  Chaque année  les touristes visitent la France.

"Paris is the City of Lights and the capital of France. It is a city famous for its beauty, history, culture, and food. Paris is known for its magnificent monuments such as the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, and Notre-Dame Cathedral. Famous museums like the Louvre and the Orsay are also located in Paris. The banks of the Seine River are a beautiful place to stroll and enjoy the view of the city. Cafes, restaurants, and bakeries are also famous for their delicious French cuisine. Paris is a charming and romantic city that attracts millions of visitors every year."

Here is the link for free download : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O96UZ9f1VdHZgdY6BX7ZT8JshbhCRfR3/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=106494522941762000120&rtpof=true&sd=true

Vous voulez fêter le 25e anniversaire de votre/sœur. Rédigez une invitation de 30 -40 mots à ses amis. (CBSE BOARD FINAL EXAM YEAR 2022-23)

 Vous voulez fêter  le 25e anniversaire de votre/sœur. Rédigez une invitation de 30 -40 mots à ses amis.



Chers amis,                                                                                Delhi le 09 février 2023


Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à la fête du 25e anniversaire de ma sœur. La soirée aura lieu à notre maison le samedi prochain à partir de 18h. Nous vous attendons avec impatience pour célébrer cette occasion spéciale avec nous.




Ma maison - My Home in French - Approx 80 words


Ma maison

Ma maison est grande et blanche. Il y a un grand jardin devant la maison avec des fleurs et des arbres. Au premier étage, il y un grand salon avec des canapés confortables et une télévision. Il y a une grande cuisine. Nous avons une salle à manger aussi a cote de la cuisine. La maison a trois chambres confortables avec des lits. Il y a aussi une salle de bain propre et bien rangée. La maison est un endroit confortable et accueillant. J’aime ma maison.

Word Meanings:

Un Jardin







Drawing room

Les fleurs

the flowers

salle à manger

Dinning room

Les arbres

The trees







Wednesday, March 8, 2023

What is DELF Junior Exam ?

Bonjour Students

Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing information about the DELF Junior exam, a proficiency test for young learners of French as a foreign language. The exam is designed to assess the language skills of students aged between 12 to 18 years and is recognized by the French Ministry of Education. In this blog, you will find details about the exam structure, levels, and benefits of taking the DELF Junior exam.

What is delf junior exam?

DELF Junior is a French language proficiency test designed for young learners between the ages of 11 and 18 who are non-native speakers of French. It assesses their ability to communicate effectively in French in various contexts, such as everyday situations, school, and leisure activities.

The DELF Junior test is divided into four levels: A1, A2, B1, and B2. Each level evaluates the student's skills in four areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

The DELF Junior certificate is widely recognized by educational institutions and employers in French-speaking countries as proof of a student's French language proficiency.

Benefits of DELF Junior exam.

DELF Junior is an internationally recognized exam that assesses the French language skills of young students between the ages of 12 and 18. There are several benefits of taking the DELF Junior exam, including:

v  Recognized worldwide: DELF Junior is recognized by many educational institutions and organizations worldwide as proof of a student's French language proficiency.

v  Enhances academic profile: Passing the DELF Junior exam can enhance a student's academic profile and increase their chances of getting accepted into universities and educational programs.

v  Improves language skills: Preparing for the DELF Junior exam can help students improve their French language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

v  Encourages cultural understanding: DELF Junior exams encourage students to learn more about French culture and customs, which can help foster cultural understanding and appreciation.

v  Builds confidence: Successfully passing the DELF Junior exam can give students a sense of accomplishment and build their confidence in their language abilities.

Overall, the DELF Junior exam can provide students with a valuable credential and help them develop their French language skills, which can benefit them in their academic and personal lives.


Marking /Duration of Delf Junior Exam

v  Duration: The exam duration varies depending on the level. For A1, A2, and B1, the exam lasts for 1 hour and 20 minutes. For B2, the exam lasts for 1 hour and 50 minutes.

v  Types of exam: The DELF Junior exam assesses the four language skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The exam consists of several sections, including multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and essay writing. The speaking test is conducted face-to-face with an examiner.

v  Marking: The exam is scored on a scale of 0 to 100, with a minimum score of 50 required to pass. Each section of the exam is worth a certain number of points, and the scores are added together to obtain the final result.

v  Difficulty: The difficulty of the exam varies depending on the level. Generally, the A1 and A2 levels are considered easier, while the B1 and B2 levels are more challenging. However, the difficulty also depends on the individual's level of proficiency in French. It is recommended to prepare thoroughly for the exam in order to achieve the best possible score.


Where we can give DELF Junior exam ?

DELF Junior exams can be taken at authorized examination centers of the French Ministry of Education and the French Embassy or Consulate in your country. You can check the official website of the French Ministry of Education or the French Embassy or Consulate in your country to find the nearest authorized examination center for the DELF Junior exam.


Can I give DELF Junior exam online ?

No, DELF Junior exams cannot be taken online as they require candidates to complete different types of language assessments, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing, which cannot be fully evaluated through an online platform. The exam must be taken in person at an accredited testing center or school. However, some institutions may offer online preparation courses and resources to help candidates prepare for the exam.

Here are some websites where you can find more information about the DELF Junior exam in various countries:

Asia: Alliance Française centers in different countries: https://www.alliancefrancaise.org.sg/, https://afmanila.org/, https://www.afdhaka.org/

French embassy or consulate websites in different countries: https://cn.ambafrance.org/, https://www.ambafrance-id.org/, https://www.ambafrance-au.org/

United States: https://frenchlanguage.frenchculture.org/testing/delf-dalf-exams, https://www.fiaf.org/courses/delf-dalf-exams.shtml

United Kingdom: https://www.institut-francais.org.uk/learn-french/exams/delf-dalf/

Canada: https://www.alliancefrancaise.ca/delf-dalf-exams/

Australia: https://www.afsydney.com.au/exams/delf-dalf/

These websites provide information about test centers, exam fees, registration procedures, exam dates, and sample papers for the DELF Junior exam.


In conclusion, DELF Junior Exam is a great opportunity for young language learners to showcase their French language skills and earn an internationally recognized certification. The benefits of this exam include improved employment and educational opportunities, as well as enhanced language proficiency. The exam consists of four parts, and its duration varies based on the level of the exam. While it cannot be taken online, there are various institutions across different countries where students can register and appear for the exam. So, if you are a young French language learner, taking the DELF Junior Exam can be a valuable and rewarding experience for you.


Bonne Chance !



DELF/DALF Exam Date Sheet - 2023 - Alliance Française de Delhi

Bonjour Students,

Here is the DELF / DALF exam date sheet for the year of 2023 along with fee details.

For more information visit Alliance Français de Delhi Site : https://delhi.afindia.org/delf-calendar/

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

What is French DELF exam ?

What is French DELF exam ?

DELF (Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française) is a certification exam that tests a person's proficiency in the French language. The exam is administered by the French Ministry of Education and is recognized around the world as a standard measure of French language proficiency.

The DELF exam is divided into four levels: DELF A1, DELF A2, DELF B1, and DELF B2, with A1 being the most basic level and B2 being the most advanced. Each level assesses the candidate's reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in French.

The DELF exam is important for both students and professionals who want to demonstrate their proficiency in French. For students, the DELF certification can be used to demonstrate their French language skills to universities or employers. For professionals, the DELF certification can be used to demonstrate their language skills to clients or employers.

Some of the benefits of having a DELF certification include:

Enhanced career opportunities: A DELF certification can open up many career opportunities for professionals who have language skills in French. Many companies, particularly those with international clients, value employees who can speak multiple languages.

International recognition: The DELF certification is recognized around the world as a standard measure of French language proficiency. Having a DELF certification can demonstrate a person's language skills to potential employers or educational institutions, regardless of where they are in the world.

Improved language skills: Preparing for the DELF exam requires a person to study and practice their French language skills. This can lead to an improvement in their overall language skills, including their grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

Personal satisfaction: Achieving a DELF certification can be a source of personal satisfaction for many people. It can be a tangible way to measure progress in language learning and can provide a sense of accomplishment.

Overall, the DELF certification is a valuable credential for anyone who wants to demonstrate their proficiency in the French language. It can open up many career opportunities and provide a sense of personal satisfaction.

                                                                                                        Bonne Chance !


Why School & College goers should learn French language these days ?

Bonjour Students,

There are many reasons why school and college students should learn French these days. Here are a few of them:

                French is widely spoken: French is the second most widely learned foreign language after English, and is spoken by more than 300 million people worldwide. It is an official language in 29 countries, and is also an important language of diplomacy and international relations.

                Career opportunities: Learning French can open up many career opportunities in various fields such as international business, tourism, hospitality, education, and more. Many international organizations, such as the United Nations, use French as one of their official languages.

                Cultural enrichment: French culture has made significant contributions to literature, philosophy, art, and music. Learning French can allow students to read famous works in their original language, gain a deeper appreciation of French culture and history, and understand the perspectives of French-speaking peoples around the world.

                Improved cognitive function: Learning a new language has been shown to improve cognitive function, memory, and concentration. It can also enhance problem-solving skills, creativity, and flexibility in thinking.

                Enhanced travel experiences: French is a common language spoken in many popular tourist destinations around the world, such as France, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, and many African countries. Learning French can make travel experiences more enjoyable, allowing students to communicate more effectively with locals, understand cultural nuances, and gain a deeper appreciation of the local culture.

                Overall, learning French can provide many benefits to school and college students, both academically and personally. It is a valuable skill to have in today's globalized world, and can open up many doors for future opportunities.


                                                                                            Bonne Chance !

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Preparing for the DELF Exam

DELF EXAM 💡 Over the years, I have trained numerous students for DELF & TEF exams , and I’ve noticed some common mistakes that lower th...