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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

DELF Exam - Comprehension de l'oral - Listening practice - Exercice d'écoute - #frenchwithanil - 12

 DELF Exam - Comprehension de l'oral - Listening practice - Exercice d'écoute - #frenchwithanil - 12


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Saturday, April 8, 2023

DELF Exam - Comprehension de l'oral - Listening practice - Exercice d'écoute - Interview Scenario

DELF Exam - Comprehension de l'oral - Listening practice - Exercice d'écoute - Interview Scenario

Dear Students,

In this audio, you will hear an interview with an actress where the interviewer asks a series of questions and the interviewee provides her responses. As you listen, take note of the questions being asked and see if you can answer them correctly. The answers to the questions will be provided at the end of the audio. If you find this audio useful, please subscribe to our channel and share it with others. Your comments are also appreciated, so please leave your feedback in the comments section. Your support will inspire us to create more engaging content for you. So don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel. 

Friday, April 7, 2023

DELF Exam - Comprehension de l'oral - Listening practice - Time Practice In French - DELF A1 DELF A2

DELF Exam - Comprehension de l'oral - Listening practice - Time Practice In French - DELF A1 DELF A2

Dear Students,

In this video, you will listen to a dictation of "Time" in French, and your task is to write it down in your notebook. At the end of the video, you will find the answers to check your work. During exams, it has been observed that many students make mistakes in understanding the correct time, which leads to a loss of marks. This exercise will help you practice and improve your listening skills for numbers and timing on listening exams. The video contains three exercises with different paces of voice, including slow and medium pace.

If you find this video helpful and informative, please subscribe to our channel and share, like, and comment on the video. Your support will motivate us to create more videos like this. Best of luck with your studies.


Thursday, April 6, 2023

Enchanté 3 - Chapter 0 - Reading & Translation - Solution of Exercises of Chapter 0 - enchante 3

Enchanté 3 - Chapter 0 - Reading & Translation - Solution of Exercises of Chapter 0 - enchante 3

Dear students, in this video, 

I will read and provide a translation of Chapter 0 of Enchante 3. I will also solve the questions at the end of this chapter. Please take out your notebook and pen to make notes and listen to this audio carefully. If you like my content and video, please don't forget to share, like, and comment on the video. Also, please subscribe to my channel. I will keep updating with the next chapters of this book, so stay tuned in.


Wednesday, April 5, 2023


Dear Students,

We would like to inform you that the syllabus for the French subject for the academic year 2023-24 has been released by CBSE. The syllabus is available for download through the link provided below.

Best of luck.

French Syllabus YEAR 2023 - 24 , Class X & XII

#CBSE #CBSEboard #CBSEsyllabus #CBSEexam #CBSEresults #CBSEeducation #CBSEstudents #CBSEschool #CBSElearning #cbsefrenchexam #frenchwithanil #cbsefrench #cbse

French Subject Result Year 2022-23

 Dear Students and Parents,

It brings me great joy to share with you the outstanding results of my wonderful students. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to these students who consistently make me proud year after year. I would also like to express my gratitude to the parents whose efforts have contributed to the achievement of these remarkable marks.

To my other students who, for some reason, did not meet my expectations this year, I want to say that your mistakes are evidence that you are trying, and your effort means the world to me. Let us work together a little harder this time. 

Best of luck and warmest wishes to all.


DELF Exam - Comprehension de l'oral - Listening practice - Exercice d'écoute - Video No. 4

 DELF Exam - Comprehension de l'oral - Listening practice - Exercice d'écoute - Video No. 4


Dear students, In this video, you will find four listening exercises for the DELF French exam. The answers for each exercise will be provided at the end of the video. It is recommended that you listen carefully and practice these exercises to prepare for your exam. Wishing you the best of luck, and I hope to see you in my next video. Keep practicing until then!

#Frenchlanguage #LearnFrench #SpeakFrench #Frenchlessons #Frenchgrammar #Frenchvocabulary #Frenchculture #Frenchpronunciation #DELF #DALF #Frenchexam #Frenchlearning #Frenchforbeginners #Frenchonline #Frenchclass #Frenchstudy #Frenchstudents #Frenchlearningtips #Frenchlearningcommunity #Frenchteacher #Français #ApprendreleFrançais #ParlerFrançais #LangueFrançaise #CoursdeFrançais #GrammaireFrançaise #VocabulaireFrançais #CultureFrançaise

DELF Exam - Comprehension de l'oral - Listening practice of Years - Exercice d'écoute - Video No. 5

 DELF Exam - Comprehension de l'oral - Listening practice of Years - Exercice d'écoute -  Video No. 5


Dear Students,

In this video, you will be listening to the pronunciation of “years” and your task is to write them down in your notebook. You will find the answers at the end of the video to check your answers. It has been observed that many students make mistakes in understanding the correct year during exams, which leads to a loss of marks. This exercise will help you practice and improve your listening skills for numbers and years. The video contains 10 exercises with different paces of voice, including slow and medium pace.

If you find this video helpful and informative, please do not forget to subscribe to our channel and share, like, and comment on the video. Your support will motivate us to create more videos like this. 

Best of luck with your studies.


#Frenchlanguage #LearnFrench #delfa1 #SpeakFrench #Frenchlessons #Frenchgrammar #Frenchvocabulary #Frenchculture #Frenchpronunciation #DELF #DALF #Frenchexam #Frenchlearning #Frenchforbeginners #Frenchonline #Frenchclass #Frenchstudy #Frenchstudents #Frenchlearningtips #Frenchlearningcommunity #Frenchteacher,#Français #ApprendreleFrançais #ParlerFrançais #LangueFrançaise #CoursdeFrançais #GrammaireFrançaise #VocabulaireFrançais #CultureFrançaise #tcf #tef #frenchwithanil #french9891238288 #dubaidelf

Saturday, April 1, 2023

CBSE French Board Exam - Year 2022 - 23 - Solved - Class X - Entre Jeunes - Class 10 solved paper French CBSE BOARD 2023


Bonjour Students,
I am thrilled to present to you the CBSE French Board Exam Class X solution for the year 2023 in this video. This is the first-ever video on YouTube to provide a comprehensive solution to this exam in a video format. I am excited to provide you with a unique and engaging learning experience that will aid you in your studies. I hope this video will prove to be a valuable resource for you, and that it will help you in your preparation for this important exam. Don't forget to like and subscribe for more content, and feel free to share your feedback with me.
A bientot

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Preparing for the DELF Exam

DELF EXAM 💡 Over the years, I have trained numerous students for DELF & TEF exams , and I’ve noticed some common mistakes that lower th...